SubjectThe 'Whitebeam' programming environment is built around XML - central
to the environment is a sophisticated XML parsing engine. This engine is
integrated into the Whitebeam Apache module and accessible through
the JavaScript environment. This paper describes in detail this
environment and how it can be used. The paper is fairly long and
tries to be both an overview of the technology and a complete guide
to the XML aspects of the system. The paper is broken into the following
OverviewThe Whitebeam system contains a powerful and flexible XML parser. The features of the
parser - and the reprsentation of XML documents processed by the parser - are visible
within the Whitebeam project as a set of JavaScript classes: Class | Description |
XmlParser | Provides access to the underlying parser. You can create different parsers for different activities
within your Presentation Page.
| XmlGeneric | Elements in the XML tree are represented by a number of separate classes, the most common of which
are XmlTag
and XmlText. The
Each of these specific classes share a lot of commonoality and this is documented as a 'virtual' class - XmlGeneric.
It is effectively the base - or super class of each of the specific element types.
| XmlTag | This is arguably the most important JavaScript class - it represents a single XML tag within a
tag tree. The class inherits the behaviour of
and adds additional tag specific behaviour.
| XmlText | Represents a text element in the XML tree. Inherits the behaviour of
along with behaviour specific to text items.
| XmlComment | Represents an XML comment. Not usually processed by JavaScript - and may actually be removed from the
tree as it is built by setting the parser.removeComments property to 'true'. Comment does however
still have the basic behaviour inherited from the
| XmlCData | Represents an XML CDATA section - eg <[CDATA[...]]>. comment. In many cases this cane be treated as
a text element - but the parser represents it nonetheless as a separate class. XmlCData objects inherit
from the
| XmlPi | Represents an XML processing instruction. In the Whitebeam environment at the moment support for
processing instructions is minimal - basically the text within the element is made available as the
text of the JavaScript model. Processing of that text must be done manually.comment. XmlPi does however
still have the basic behaviour inherited from the
Together the classes allow an XML parser to be create - an XML tree to be constructed from a document,
that tree be represented by a collection of specialised JavaScript files. The simplest way to understand
the basics of the environment is to look at a simple example:
// Create a parser.
var aParser = new XmlParser;
// Load some XML from - in this case - a file.
var data = new Binary;
// Build the XML tree. If there are no errors then the method
// returns the root of the tree. If there are errors then
// null is returned and the errors are available as
// 'aParser.errors[]'.
if ( {
// The tree has been built - we need to execute at least
// part of it to be useful. In this case execute the entire tree.
To understand what is happening now requires an overview of how Whitebeam processes XML data
to build - and make available an XML tree. This is the subject of this tutorial! How XML data is processed.Before you can understand the XML tree structure in Whitebeam you need to
understand a little about how the Presentation Engine puts pages together. Page
generation is a two stage process: - Parse the XML source and generate a tag tree.
- Execute each of the nodes in the tag tree to generate output.
Stage 1: Buiding the XML Tree.Stage one builds the tree. The resulting tree is represented in the following diagram:
 This generates an internal representation of the tree. This is done internally for
the main Presentation Page, and is performed manually by calling
Each of the nodes within the tree has some associated behaviour that has yet to be executed, this behaviour
is determined by the name of the tag. (Generally the behaviour of a tag when
it is executed is to generate its output representation that will be sent to
the browser. How it does this is down to that specific tag). Stage 2: Executing the XML Tree.Each element in the XML tree
(XML tag, text, comment etc) has an 'output' area associated with it. In general
the intention is for each element to set its output area to be the text it wants
to send to the client. For example for a simple text element the default behaviour
is to set the text element's output area to be the same as the text it contains. In order to get the elements to populate their output areas the tree (or a sub-part of the tree) must be
executed. The Presentation Engine does this for each Presentation Page - taking the root of the tree
and getting it to execute itself. For trees constructed using the JavaScript API
you can manually execute a portion of the tree by invoking the
method. Separating the tree build from executing the XML allows a branch of the tree to be executed
more than once if necessary - potentially creating different output each time. This is how
things like the rb:repeatfor
tag is executed - the block of XML withing the rb:repeatfor tag is executed
a number of times with loop variables changing each time. Whether or not the text gets eventually output depends on what the node'sparent wants to do. This behaviour is either defined 1) as default behaviour
by the Whitebeam system or 2) the default behaviour can be overridden by the
developer by using the <rb:macrotag> facility or 3) a user defined tag
can have its behaviour specified by the developer by using the <rb:macrotag>
facility or - finally - 4) by explicitly manipulating the XML tree
using the JavaScript API. A simple HTML tag like the paragraph marker <p> will generate its output
by executing each of its children and then concatenating the output from each
of those into its own output area. Consider the following example:
 The paragraph tag is in the process of being processed. It's behaviour is to
execute each of its children. The child XML tags in this example are all standard
XHTML mark-up. The behaviour of these tags it to recursively process their children
then concatenate their output along with their own wrapper. Conside the <i>
tag (marked [1] in the diagram). This has executed its child - a simple text
element. The output area of the text element has been set to the contents of
the text field : "Some Text in bold-italics". The <i>
tag then sets it's output area to be the concatenation of all it's children
- wrapped in <i> and </i>. This happens all the way up the tree. The diagram illustrates the contents of the output areas for
each XML element after all the children of the paragraph [2] have been executed but before the
paragraph has generated its own output. You can see that to generate the contents of its own text area the paragraph
element simply concatenates the contents of its own direct children - wrapping
them in a <p> and </p> . JavaScript APIThe XML tree is mapped into the JavaScript environment as a hierarchy of JavaScript
objects. Full details of the API are documented
here. This
section provides a very simple overview. The core class is the
XmlParser. An instance of this
is used to build the Presentation Page itself - and is available as
rb.xml. So - for example - you can find the root of the
Presentation Page XML tree as rb.xml.root - which is an instance of
XmlTag. You can create your own parser in JavaScript and then use that parser to build an XML tree from
a source XML document. Example:
// Create a parser.
var aParser = new XmlParser;
// Load some XML from - in this case - a file.
var data = new Binary;
// Build the XML tree. If there are no errors then the method
// returns the root of the tree. If there are errors then
// null is returned and the errors are available as
// 'aParser.errors[]'.
if ( {
// If the XML built with no errors then you get to this point.
else {
// If there are errors in the XML - you get here
// and you can look at the errors in aParser.errors.
Once the tree has been built - you can execute it - or investigate the basic structure. Usually you would execute the
tree once - but at times you would execute a subtree - say that satisfies some specific request
such as displaying a section of a document. The XmlTag class is the most important to the structure of the document - since it basically is responsible for
building that structure! The class itself has a set of named properties and a set of numbered properties. The
numbered properties allw the object to be treated as a numeric array - each numeric subscript is a child
XML element ofthe tag. So - conside the following simple XML document:
<title>My Title</title>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p align="left">Text</h1>
<p align="right" name="fred">Text</h1>
If this is compiled with aParser then 'aParser.root' is a virtual XmlTag - it is NOT one of the elements
in the document. Instead it is an un-named tag that contains as it's children the contents of the document.
So in this example aParser.root[0] will be the <html> tag. The structure is recursive and so
aParser.root[0][0] is the <head> tag, aParser.root[0][1] is the body tag. The Whitebeam environment provides several powerful mechanism for searching the XML tree
to find sub-trees of interest. The simples is to simply search for an element with a specific tag-name.
For example:
var bodyTag = aParser.root.find("body");
Will return a JavaScript array of all the tags with this name 'body'. In this example this
will yield an array with a single element - the body tag from the sample document. Whitebeam also allows much more sophisticated searching using the
XPath query mechanism
as defined by the W3C. This allows both the searching
and extraction of data from the tree. So for a simple example - conside the following query:
var tagSet = aParser.root.xpath("//p[@align='left']");
Will return all XML tags with an align attribute - the value of which is 'left'. Again - in this example this will
return a set of nodes comprising the simgle matching element in the document. Note that the xpath method
represents sets of XML elements as a instance of an
XmlNodeSet class.
XmlNodeSets are specialisations of the basic JavaScript Array - with the added benefit that yo can do do
XPath queries on the result. See the separate XPath tutorial for more information. Special Behaviour.The behaviour described above is the default behaviour for a standard XML/HTML formatting tag. Many of the
Whitebeam tags generate their output in different ways. It is important to realise that how a tag
generates its output - and how it makes use of any of its children is entirely at the discretion of
that element. The following is a brief description of how a couple of special Whitebeam XML markup generate their output.
Tag Name
rb:block | An rb:block tags execution behaviour is to do nothing. It does
not execute any of its children and so the children will not put
anything into their output areas. The 'block' tags output area is
always empty. | rb:macrotag | An rb:macrotag tag does not generate any output. The effect of
executing a macrotag is to record the new tag as being defined (or an
existing tag as being overridden). The JavaScript contained within the
macrotag is used to implement that tag when it is seen elsewhere in the
document. |
The 'rb:block' tag is a very good example of how tags choose to execute - or
not - their children. In the case of the block tag - its implemetation is to
not execute those children. So, what is the point of it? See below... Manually Executing XML SubtreesThe XML tree built with the
is generally 'executed' in order to populate the 'output' area of each element. It is not 'required' that you execute the XML -
there are applications that may just require the basic structure of the tree. At any time the output area may contain different things:
You can see from the description of the rb:block
tag above that initially the output areas of all children of
the block will be empty. In JavaScript you can however get hold of the sub-tree of the rb:block tag and execute it.
To do this give the block tag an id (using the rb:id attribute). This is illustrated below:
<rb:block rb:id="myBlock">
<rb:eval expr="prop">
<rb:eval expr="object[prop]">
This example block is labeled - so we can find it - it has an 'id' and so we can simply search for the
element with the XmlTag.findId
method on the root of the tree. eg:
var tag = rb.xml.root.findId("myBlock")
Remember at this stage these tags have never been executed! If you now
call 'var text=tag.bodytext()' the result will be an empty string. To
generate output you have to first execute the tag. Do this using the
method. The normal behaviour of this method is to run the tag on which it is
invoked. An exception occurs where the tag is an 'rb:block' tag - because
the effect of that tags execute is to do nothing! In the case of an rb:block
tag all of the children of the tag are executed. This will effectively
populate the output areas of each of the children. Note that in the example
above the block contains active server-side behaviour in the form of <rb:eval...>
tags. The block can be used in a loop to dump the contents of an object's properties: <rb:script>
var object = new Object; = "Peter";
object.sname = "Wilson";
var prop, testObj;
var tag = rb.xml.root.findId("myBlock")'<table border="1">');
for (var prop in object) {
// generate new output for this row.
// Now output to the client (adds to my
output area).;
Implementing XML Macros (rb:macrotag)The tag processing can be used extensively in implementing your own specialised
tags - or in providing translations from one XML format to another. In this
case the macro itself is defined using the rb:macrotag
tag. This declares a new tag, the name being defined by the 'name' attribute
of that tag. If the 'name' attribute of the macrotag is the same as an existing,
default tag (such as 'body'), the Presentation Engine will execute the behaviour
defined by the macro instead of the default behaviour. The Presentation Engine implementation of the rb:macrotag tag creates an internal representation of
the named tag and then stores the JavaScript implementation against that tag. When the engine
subsequently finds an instance of the new tag in the document it calls the JavaScript
implementation for that tag. The implementation can use the JavaScript XML modelling
rb.xml.thisTag method
to access the XML body of the tag. As with the rb:block example, the engine does NOT
automatically execute the body of the macro - to do so would reduce the scope of the
JavaScript implementation. So to get the body text of the tree your must first
execute the tree using
tag.execute(). This does of course give the JavaScript implementation of the tag the freedom to only
execute a portion of the body tags. Consider an example implementation of a tag called '<switch...>' that we want
to provide. This will take a number of child tags - <case...>. We'd use this as follows:
<switch expr="resultcode">
<case test="ok">
<rb:redirect src="nextpage.rhtm">
<case test="noresource">
<rb:redirect src="resourcepage.rhtm">
<case test="notfound">
<h1>Error - you specified a resource that does not exist.</h1>
This is similar to the JavaScript 'switch' statement - but executed in tags.
This illustrates why the Presentation Engine does not automatically execute
trees under macro implementations or block tags. The implementation of <switch...>
will search through the list of provided cases and only execute the one
that matches the result code. This means that only one of the redirection
tags will be executed. A more complete example of how to use
and the rb:macrotag tags can be found in
the Whitebeam examples. Example
The following simple example shows a JavaScript recursive function that
gets the tag tree for the XML tag called 'root' (a dummy table) and then
provides a summary of the tree in the web page output.
<table rb:id="root">
<th>Head 1</th>
<th>Head 2</th>
<th>Head 3</th>
<td>row 1, col 1</td>
<td>row 1, col 2</td>
<td>row 1, col 3</td>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0"
marginheight="0" text="#000000" >
<H1>Decoding form parameters.</H1>
<h1 rb:id="HelloWorld">HEADER</h1>
// define a function to dump one level of the XML tree.
function dumpTree(tag, spaces) {
var child;
rb.debug.write("<p>tag type:"+tag.type+", length="+
if (tag.type == "tag") {
// Its an object so dump its name then recursively
// display its children."--->"+spaces+"XML Tag:"+"<br>");
for (child in tag) {
rb.debug.write("<p>Processing child object:"+
dumpTree(tag[child], spaces+" ");
else {"--->"+spaces+"Text,
var tag = rb.xml.root.findId("root");"<p>\n");"<h1>Tag Tree Dump</H1><P>");'<table border="1">\n');
dumpTree(tag,"tag");'</table>\n');"<h1>Tag Tree Dump Complete</H1><P>");