Whitebeam Application Developers Guide

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Whitebeam Application Developers Guide

The Whitebeam application developers guide covers the following areas (please note documentation status):

System TopicDescription

Quick Start Guide

This section provides a quick overview of how to develop a Whitebeam application. For people familiar with XML and JavaScript this may include all you need to write a Whitebeam application! For others the document points to other more detailed resources.

PHP/ASP Comparison

A few very short comparison for those familiar with PHP and ASP development models.


Tools to use in developing and managing Whitebeam applications: Site Management Application - the "dashboard" (setting up clients, domain names, making applications live etc.)
Other tools including Dreamweaver configuration.


This section contains a set of 'tutorial' papers. These tutorials cover various aspects of the Whitebeam system in more detail. The tutorials also introduce some more advanced aspects of the system such as XML parsing.


Reference documentation including Whitebeam Tags, Redbourne Object Model (ROM), sample code, tutorials (detailed technical explanations of some of the key concepts of components) and JavaScript 1.5


Redbourne sample applications are put together to make it easier to implement Client's applications. Each one is a self-contained, working application that can be downloaded and modified. You can also try the applications out (but not modify them) here on the Redbourne server.


Frequently Asked Questions.

Documentation Status

The material contained herein has been put together to guide application developers through the process of designing, developing, and deploying applications on the Whitebeam System.

Readers are advised that the material content presented here is under constant review and therefore subject to change. New features and facilities are being added all the time and this guide is updated regularly.

Whilst every attempt has been made to present this material in a structured easily understood form, feedback will be welcomed where the reader's expectation has not been met.

Whitebeam release 1.3.36
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