Whitebeam Template Reference Documentation

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Whitebeam Template Reference Documentation

rb.contact Object Description
(contact Template)


rb.contact.communityInfo() Returns community information.
rb.contact.createCommunity() Creates a community definition.
rb.contact.createOU() Creates an OU entity
rb.contact.createIndividual() Creates and Individual contact entity.
rb.contact.remove() Deletes an entity (individual or OU) or a community.
rb.contact.individualInfo() Returns information on a named individual in the contacts database.
rb.contact.link() Associates an entity (OU or individual) with a different parent OU or a community.
rb.contact.linkList() Associates an entity (OU or individual) with a different parent OU or a community.
rb.contact.linkCatNode() Associates an entity (Community OU or individual) with a catalogue node
rb.contact.linkCatItem() Associates an entity (Community OU or individual) with a catalogue Item.
rb.contact.OUInfo() Returns OU information.
rb.contact.memberOf() Given an Individual or OU returns all the entities of which the target is a member.
rb.contact.modifyCommunity() Modifies community information.
rb.contact.modifyOU() Modifies an OU entity
rb.contact.modifyIndividual() Modifies an Individual entity
rb.contact.get() Searches for individuals, OUs, or communities in the contacts database.
rb.contact.setPassword() Sets the password for an Individual
rb.contact.validate() Validates access control for an individual
rb.contact.count() Counts the number of entities that would be returned by a get() call
rb.contact.unlinkCatNode() Disassociates an entity (Community OU or individual) with a catalogue node
rb.contact.unlinkCatItem() Disassociates an entity (Community OU or individual) with a catalogue Item.
rb.contact.unlinkContacts() Bulk remove contact records from a community or OU
rb.contact.unlinkItemContacts() Remove all contact records from a catalogue item.
rb.contact.unlinkNodeContacts() Remove all contact records from a catalogue node.
rb.contact.unlink() Disassociates an entity (OU or individual) from a parent OU or a community
rb.contact.whosIn() Given a community or OU returns all the individuals and OUs that are linked to it.
rb.contact.bulkRemove() Deletes contacts that match the search criteria
rb.contact.bulkCommunityModify() Adds or removes matching contacts to/from the identified community

Aggregate Types

rb.contact.location Represents a geographical location
rb.contact.searchLocation Allows a geolocation search within a specific radius of a [long,lat] point
rb.contact.data Superset of information available from all contact entity types
rb.contact.OUData OU Specific contact information
rb.contact.individualData Individual Specific contact information
rb.contact.communityData Community specific information
rb.contact.searchFlags Flags controlling contact search operations
Whitebeam release 1.3.36
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