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Whitebeam Template Reference Documentation


OU Specific contact information


The rb.contact.OUData struct has 20 elements:

Name Type/Value Range/Length Description
IDnumberpositive integer Optional. A valid ID for an OU, as returned from a previous createOU, get, or OUInfo call. Must be set in a modify() call
uNamestring1-31 characters Optional. The unique name of the OU. Used in Whitebeam tags to implement access control functions
namestring0-240 characters Optional. A general text field that normally holds the name of the contact object
parentnumberpoitive integer Optional. Read only field, setting this field in a modify or create has no effect. The valid ID of the parent OU, or 0 (root) to indicate that the OU has no parent
descriptionstring0-240 characters Optional. A general text field that normally holds the description of the contact object
phonestring0 - 32 characters Optional. Phone number as ASCII digits
faxstring0 - 32 characters Optional. Fax number as ASCII digits
emailstring0 - 240 characters Optional. Email address
customDataMetaData0-200K characters total object size Optional. storage for formatted JavaScript objects
typestring'INDIVIDUAL' | 'OU' | 'COMMUNITY' Optional. The type of this entity
memberOfarray of numbers  Optional. Array of contact_ids for which this record is a member. Only returned if bit 2 of allData is set. eg (allData & 4)==4
relevancenumberpositive integer Optional. Read only field. Returned as part of iterator search for keyword relevance. Returns number of keywords matched by this record
parentNamestring0-240 characters Optional. The name field for the parent of an individual or OU. If no parent (or a community) this field will be null .
valuenumberinteger Optional. Arbitrary field value. Most useful for creating a weighted search order within a result set.
keywordsstring  Optional. Plain text field intended to store search words or stemmed search words
locationstruct locationsee definition Optional. Optional longitude and latitude for this contact.

Available from version : 1.3.4

distancenumber  Optional. Returned if allData requests distance data AND a search location/radius was specified

Available from version : 1.3.4

modifiedTimedateJavaScript Date object Optional. The date/time at which this contact record was last changed. This field is usually automatically updated by the system on create/modify requests. This behaviour can be over-ridden by the modifyTimestamp flag.

Available from version : 1.3.12

modifyTimestampbool  Optional.

This flag is used as follows:

  • If this flag is missing (not specified) the creating or modifying a contact record will cause the modifiedTime to be set to the current date/time.
  • If bit 1 is set then the modifiedTime flag will not be changed for modify requests

Other bits are reserved for future features and should be left 0.

Available from version : 1.3.12

dateTimedateJavaScript Date object Optional. An arbitrary date/time value that can store an application specific date (eg a date of birth). The result set can be constrained to a date range by specifying minDateTime and maxDateTime in the search request.

Available from version : 1.3.28

Whitebeam release 1.3.36
(loadtime : 59ms)