Whitebeam Template Reference Documentation

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Whitebeam Template Reference Documentation

System Template


Build an XML tree from XML source code. DEPRECATED!!.

See Also

<rb:macrotag...>, <rb:script...>, rb.page.tagtree, XML Tutorial, Processing XML Data


void = rb.page.buildxml(xmlSource, nodeid, childrenOnly)


The 'buildxml' method takes 3 parameters:

Name Type/Value Range/Length Description
xmlSourcestring  Required. XML source code from which to build an XML tree. This is a string containing XML source code.
nodeidstring  Optional. If this parameter is specified the parser will return a subtree from the source code provided. The parameter is the name of the tag required.

By default the presentation engine uses the entire tree.

childrenOnlybool  Optional. This flag tells the Presentation Engine whether to include the specified node and its children - or just its children. If this is flag is present and true then only the child tags are include.

The default value is 'true'.


The 'buildxml' method returns no useful information.


This method has now been DEPRECATED in favour of the new XML API.

This method provides a means of compiling an XML tree or subtree from a literal string. Obviously that string can have been read from a file (into a binary object) or may have been retrieved from one of the templates. Alternatively the XML may have been generated by an external application, such as an existing client application exporting data, and the Pattern Page could be responsible for the translation into the Whitebeam system.

The method takes the source XML string provided in it's first parameter and runs it through the XML interpreter to build a tree. From the resulting tree the method selects the required sub-tree, according to the 'nodeid' and 'childrenOnly' parameters.

Having selected the required portion of the tree, the method attaches that subtree to the currently executing tag. So, if for example the the rb.page.buildxml() method is called from within an rb:script the resulting XML tags will become the next available child indices of the rb:script tag.

  • The XML is parsed effectively using the same parser and parse rules as the XML page being executed. So the page will have all the HTML rules, will be case insensitive etc as a normal XML page.
  • The tag tree is constructed, but not executed! If you want to run the subtree using the Presentation Engine you need to get the xmltag object that represents the tree using tagtree, then invoke the regenerate method on that object.
  • If you choose to regenerate the tree then the Presentation Engine executes all it's known handlers for each of the tags in the tree - just as it would for the original page. This provides a very powerful way of processing the XML data by defining rb:macrotag implementations for some of the key elements in the tag tree.

Whitebeam release 1.3.36
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