Whitebeam Template Reference Documentation

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Whitebeam Template Reference Documentation

System Template


rb.page.eval() Result of executing some JavaScript
rb.page.global() Return the global object
rb.page.abspath() Calculate an absolute local URL from a relative URL.
rb.page.attribute() Find an XML attribute.
rb.page.attributes() Access the XML attributes for the tag currently being evaluted.
rb.page.cache() Allows the web page to specify whether stations on the network should cache this page.
rb.page.modified() Allows Pattern Page to specify when the page being viewed was last modified.
rb.page.formdata() Access parameters passed to the Presentation Page from a remote Web Browser.
rb.page.getHeader() Access the contents of HTTP headers presented by the remote browser.
rb.page.iterateHeader() Access the contents of HTTP headers presented by the remote browser.
rb.page.postdata() Returns the raw, unencoded contents of the POST data provided by a client browser.
rb.page.redirect() The server returns the output of another page to the user.
rb.page.sendHTTPheaders() Force all HTTP headers to be sent to the browser now.
rb.page.setMimeType() Set the mime-type that should be returned with the output of this page.
rb.page.format() Format values using a format string.
rb.page.write() Write dynamic content to the browser.
rb.page.fwrite() Format output to browser.
rb.page.writeraw() Write dynamic content directly to the browser
rb.page.writeheader() Add a specific HTTP header to the outgoing HTTP document.
rb.page.HTTPreturn() Specify an HTTP result code to return to the client.
rb.page.sleep() Put this instance of the Presentation Engine to sleep for a period
rb.page.clientData() Return the client ID and instance of the currently executing site
rb.page.buildxml() Build an XML tree from XML source code. DEPRECATED!!.
rb.page.tagtree() Create a JavaScript representation of an XML subtree. DEPRECATED.
rb.page.cookie.write() Write a cookie to the clients browser.
rb.page.cookie.read() Read client side cookies.
rb.page.cookie.delete() Request the browser delete the cookie.
rb.page.env.get() The string value of the requested environment variable, or null if that variable is not defined
rb.page.env.ServerName() Return the virtual sever name to which the request was made.
rb.page.env.HostName() Return the host name to which the request was made.
rb.page.env.ServerSw() Name of the HTTP server executing the application.
rb.page.env.ModuleSw() Version of the Whitebeam module
rb.page.env.ServerProtocol() Protocol being used to service the request - eg HTTP/1.0
rb.page.env.ServerPort() TCP port number that received the request - usually port 80
rb.page.env.RequestMethod() HTTP method used to access the resource - eg GET or POST
rb.page.env.PathInfo() Trailing path information from the URL requested by the client
rb.page.env.QueryString() Decoded query parameters from the URL - eg after the '?' character.
rb.page.env.RemoteHost() Name of the remote host - if known
rb.page.env.RemoteAddr() IP address of the client requesting the resource.
rb.page.env.Path() Return the path from the requested page
rb.page.env.UserAgent() Allows identification of client application, eg Internet Explorer or Navigator
rb.page.env.Referer() HTTP refer field
rb.page.env.ProxyConnection() Identifies the intermediate proxy server making this request.
rb.page.env.RemoteUser() User identification from the client
rb.page.env.Status() Return the current page status.
rb.page.session.read() Retrieves application data associated with the current session.
rb.page.session.write() Stores application specific information against the current visitors session data
rb.page.session.id() Return the Whitebeam Session Id for the current session.
rb.page.session.newID() Allocate a new session ID and move data from old to new ID
rb.page.session.setPublicKey() Store a public key against the current session.
rb.page.session.writeByPublicKey() Write data to sessions identified by a public key
rb.page.session.url() Add the Whitebeam session ID into the URL provided.
rb.security.auth.test() Look for and if present validate the HTTP authenication information
rb.security.auth.status() Return the authentication status for this page.
rb.security.auth.username() Return the username provided by the client.
rb.security.auth.community() Return the community against which this page was authenticated.
rb.debug.write() Write a string to the debug buffer.
rb.debug.fwrite() Format output to the debug buffer.
rb.debug.error() Generate an error message.
rb.debug.mode() Change the test mode for Pattern Page generation.
rb.debug.test() Determine whether the page is being run in a test instance.
rb.debug.trace() Turn Whtebeam debug tracing on or off.
rb.debug.time() Return time taken to process a page (so far)
rb.site.read() Read contents of section.
rb.site.readSet() Read a number of sections from the database for this site.
rb.site.write() Updates global site data.
rb.site.remove() Remove a named section from the database
rb.site.sections() Return a list of named sections
rb.file.create() Adds a file.
rb.file.append() Append a fragment to the specified file (which must exist)
rb.file.modify() Modifies the details of an existing file.
rb.file.remove() Removes an existing file or file fragment
rb.file.truncate() Removes all but the default fragment ID (0) for a specific file
rb.file.get() Returns an iterator for retrieving each file matching the search criteria.
rb.file.bulkRemove() Returns the number of file objects deleted
rb.file.count() Gets a count of file fragments matching the search criteria.
rb.file.linkContacts() Link a specific file to one or more contact IDs
rb.file.removeList() Removes one or more files referenced by ID
rb.file.removeByItem() Removes all files referenced by a specific catalogue item ID
rb.semaphore.lock() Call this method to create/lock a semaphore
rb.semaphore.release() Call this method to release a semaphore that was allocated using rb.semaphore.lock
rb.semaphore.get() Call this method to get a list of held locks.
rb.counter.set() undefined
rb.counter.adjust() Call this method to adjust the value stored in this counter. The 'adjustment' value is *added* to the value currently stored in the counter. Note that by making the adjustment value negative you can decrement the counter.
rb.counter.testAndSet() Call this method to set the value stored in a counter. The change only takes place if the counter contains the 'testValue', or does not currently exist.
rb.counter.remove() Call this method to delete an existing counter.
rb.counter.value() Call this method to read the value of a counter
rb.counter.get() undefined

Aggregate Types

rb.page.headerinfo This definition is used by 'rb.page.iterateHeader'
rb.page.env.versionData Whitebeam module version information.
rb.file.fileInfoType Details of any type of binary file (e.g. *.gif).
rb.file.fileSearchType Search criteria for files.
rb.semaphore.sem Used as the result of rb.semaphore.get iterator
rb.counter.count Used as the result of rb.count.get iterator
Whitebeam release 1.3.36
(loadtime : 62ms)