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Whitebeam Template Reference Documentation


Flags used in 'rb.audit.get'


The rb.audit.auditQueryData struct has 16 elements:

Name Type/Value Range/Length Description
IDnumber  Optional, default = -1
If specified then read *exactly* this identified record
minIDnumber  Optional. If specified then only return records with ID >= this value

Available from version : 1.3.8

maxIDnumber  Optional. If specified then only return records with ID <= this value

Available from version : 1.3.8

typestring  Optional. Wild-card match against the 'type' field to filter the result set
entityTypestringI, N, C, A, E Optional.

Single character: 'I'tem, 'N'ode, 'C'ontact, 'A'ction, 'E'event used with 'entityID' to specify limit results to those from a specific entity. Ignored if entityID is not specified or is less than zero (0).

entityIDnumber  Optional, default = -1
ID of the entity for which audit records are to be returned. Only used if 'entityType' is valid
entityIdListarray of numbers  Optional. Alternative to 'entityID' but an array allowing records that are associated with multiple entities. Note all enties have to be of the same type (entityType). If this attribute is specified then entityID is ignored
contactIDnumber  Optional, default = -1
If specified then only return audit records created by this contact
contactIdListarray of numbers  Optional. Alternative to 'contactID' but an array allowing records that are associated with multiple owners (contacts). If this attribute is specified then contactID is ignored

Available from version : 1.3.23

firstIndexnumber  Optional, default = 0
Offset from the start of the audit set to return in this iterator
maxRowsnumber  Optional, default = 0
Indication of the number of rows that will be used by the application. Note that the application is free to use more or less rows
allDatanumber  Optional, default = 0

Specifies the amount of data to be included in the response for a particular arc.

'0' : return everything except 'contactName' and 'customData'

1 :include customData
2 :include contactName
4 :Basic entity information
8 :All entity data except meta-data fields
16:Include entity customData (contacts), nodeData (nodes), itemData (items)
32:Include entity stockData (items)

Note each of these values represents a different set of data. You can select any or all data for a specific query. So for example a value of (1+4) would return audit information plus a basic copy of the entity that is the subject of that record

sortBystring  Optional.

Values are: 'auditID'; 'time' (increasing order of createTime); 'summary' (alphabetically according to the value of the summary field). If the first character is a '^' then the order is reversed . The default is '^auditID'

Available from version : 1.3.18

firstOfstring'type' or 'entity' Optional. Values are: 'type' 'entity'. If 'type' is specified return only the most recent entry for each record of a particular type (type attribute). If 'entity' then return only the most recent entry for each matching entity.
minTimenumber  Optional. If specified then only return records with a timestamp later than (or equal) to this value

Available from version : 1.3.8

maxTimenumber  Optional. If specified then only return records with a timestamp earlier than (or equal) to this value

Available from version : 1.3.8

Whitebeam release 1.3.36
(loadtime : 58ms)