Whitebeam Object Definition

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Whitebeam Object Definition

qaRunner Object Description


qaRunner.constructor() Create a new questionnaire runner object. eg. Using var qr=new qaRunner(qFile)
qaRunner.initialise() Create or re-initialise the answers file, required by this object.
qaRunner.displayPage() Output HTML for a form which accepts questionnaire answers.
qaRunner.setButtonText() Set the appearance of the Form buttons.
qaRunner.enableButtons() Enable form buttons that have been disabled by disableButtons.
qaRunner.disableButtons() Disable form buttons, so they appear greyed-out on forms.
qaRunner.submitPage() Submit returned questionnaire answers to the database.
qaRunner.partial() Sets the state of an answers file to "Partially completed".
qaRunner.complete() Sets the state of an answers file to "Completed".
qaRunner.status() Returns the state of the answer file. -1 is returned on failure.
qaRunner.destroy() Deletes the underlying file for this answer object, and resets it to an uninitialised state.

Aggregate Types

qaRunner.answerDef An object containing answers for one page of a questionnaire.

Object Properties

Name Type/Value Range/Length Description
answerFileIDnumber  Required. The file-ID of the answer file, or -1 if not-yet allocated.
questionFileIDnumber  Required. The file-ID of the question file, or -1 if not-yet allocated.
answerFileTxtstring  Required. The XML text of the answers, or an empty string if not-yet initialised.
questionFileTxtstring  Required. The XML text of the question, or an empty string if not-yet initialised.
ansVersionnumber  Required. The current version number of the answer file. Should match the version of the question file.
versionnumber  Required. The current version number of the question file.
currPagenumber  Required. The current page number for answers. If this cannot be determined it is set to zero.
pagesnumber  Required. The current questionnaire page count. If an answers file exists, it is modified to exclude unwanted questions.

Whitebeam release 1.3.36
(loadtime : 10ms)