Whitebeam Object Definition

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Whitebeam Object Definition

MessageGroup Object Description

The MessageGroup object and its method calls provide a high level, display oriented interface for the construction of interactive bulletin boards, discussion groups, and news functions.


MessageGroup.MessageGroup() This is the constructor format for the MessageGroup object
MessageGroup.blankReply() Creates a reply to the passed message..
MessageGroup.create() Creates a new group in the message store.
MessageGroup.get() Gets article headers for this group.
MessageGroup.getStatus() Static method which checks if the named group exists.
MessageGroup.listGroups() Static method which lists all group names in the message store
MessageGroup.load() Check if a group exists
MessageGroup.loadMessage() Loads full message body
MessageGroup.postMessage() Posts a new message
MessageGroup.removeMessage() Deletes a single article from the message store.
MessageGroup.remove() Removes the group from the message store.
MessageGroup.setMessage() Creates a new message object from the passed data object.
MessageGroup.threadNext() Gets the next in the thread.
MessageGroup.threadPrev() Gets the previous message in the thread

Aggregate Types

MessageGroup.message Generic message container

Object Properties

Name Type/Value Range/Length Description
namestring1-240 chars Required. The newsgroup name
descriptionstring1-240 chars Required. The newsgroup description text
firstnumber1-65535 Required. The article number of the first article within the group. This initially starts at one, but because individual messages can be expired or removed, may change over time.
lastnumber1-65535 Required. The article number of the last article within the group.
messagearray of struct MessageGroup.messagessee definition Required. This is an associative array of all articles in the group as retrieved by the last get() method call, indexed by messageID .
articlearray of struct MessageGroup.messagessee definition Required. This is an array of all articles in the group as retrieved by the last get method call, indexed by article number.
threadarray of struct MessageGroup.messagessee definition Required. This is an associative array of all threads in the group as retrieved by the lastget method call (i.e. a list of all articles which are at the start of a reply chain).
The index of the array is the messageID of the first article in the thread.

Whitebeam release 1.3.36
(loadtime : 10ms)