Whitebeam Object Definition

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Whitebeam Object Definition

Method Description


Draw an arc - partial ellipse


GraphicImage = GraphicImage.drawArc(centre, width, height, colour, options)


The 'GraphicImage.drawArc' method takes 5 parameters:

Name Type/Value Range/Length Description
centrestruct GraphicImage.Pointsee definition Required. The coordinates of centre point for the arc to be drawn
widthnumber  Required. Width of the elipse from which this arc is to be drawn
heightnumber  Required. height of the elipse from which this arc is to be drawn
colournumber  Required. The colour to use for drawing the arc. This can be any colour allocated with 'colourAlloc' or 'colourResolve', or can be the special value 'GraphicImage.styled' to use the defined styled.
optionsMetaData  Optional. Object containing optional values that change how the rectangle is drawn


The 'GraphicImage.drawArc' method returns GraphicImage:

Type/Value Range/Length Description
GraphicImage   Returns a reference to 'this' if the operation succeeds, otherwise throws an exception.


Draw an arc - a portion on an ellipse specified by a start and end angle. The ellipse is specified by it's centre point (the first parameter) and by the width and height of it's containing rectangle.

The last parameter to this call is an set of 'options' expressed as a JavaScript object. To specify a non-default value for one of these options, include the options object and set attributes as necessary.

Currently defined flags are :

antialiastrue If set to 'true' anti-aliasing techniques will be used to remove jagged edges. Note this attribute is currently reserved but has no effect on the underlying drawing functions at this time - the graphics library doesn't currently support anti-aliasing of arcs.
fillfalseIf 'true' the internal area of the arc is filled with the specified colour
startAngle0 The start angle for the arc to be drawn. The angle is measured in degrees, clockwise from the 3 o'clock position. To move anti-clockwise specify a negative angle.
endAngle359 The end angle for the arc to be drawn. The angle is measured in degrees, clockwise from the 3 o'clock position. To move anti-clockwise specify a negative angle.
arctrue Defines how to draw the outside edge of the ellipse. Imagine the two points on the ellipse defined by the start angle and the end angle. With 'arc' true these points are drawn connected together with a curved arc. The alternative is 'chord'. 'arc' and 'chord' are mutually exclusive.
chordfalse Defines how to draw the outside edge of the ellipse. Imagine the two points on the ellipse defined by the start angle and the end angle. With 'chord' true these points are drawn connected together with a straight line. The alternative is 'chord'. 'arc' and 'chord' are mutually exclusive.
edgedfalse If set to true then a straight line is drawn from the centre of the ellipse to the point on the ellipse defined by the start angle, and that defined by the end angle. Setting 'chord' to true and 'edged' to true creates a typical pie-slice type wedge shape.

Note that the defaults for startAngle (0) and endAngle (359) describe a complete circle.


Draw a quarter circle 'pie-slice' outline (don't fill). Note that the ellipse is always drawn from the startAngle to the endAngle, clockwise.

  // Create an empty 100x100 pixel image
  var img = (new GraphicImage).create(100,100);

  // Draw a quarter circle in the top-right hand quadrant of the image
  var blue = img.colourAlloc(0,0,255);

  img.drawArc( {x:50,y:50},  // Center of the circle
               100,100,      // width, height
Whitebeam release 1.3.36
(loadtime : 12ms)