Whitebeam Object Definition

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Whitebeam Object Definition

qaBuilder Object Description


qaBuilder.constructor() Create a new questionnaire builder object. eg. Using var qb=new qaBuilder()
qaBuilder.initialise() Create or re-initialise the questionare referred to by this object.
qaBuilder.copyQa() Create or re-initialise the questionare based on an existing questionnaire.
qaBuilder.insertPage() Insert a new page into a questionnaire.
qaBuilder.insertQuestion() Insert a question page into a questionnaire page.
qaBuilder.remove() Remove a page or question from a questionnaire.
qaBuilder.listPages() List all of the pages in this questionnaire.
qaBuilder.listQuestions() List of the questions in this page or questionnaire.
qaBuilder.linkQuestion() Add or change the links on a page or question.
qaBuilder.listLinks() List of the links in this page or questionnaire.
qaBuilder.getQuestion() Get details of the specified question.
qaBuilder.finish() Mark the questionnaire as complete and ready for use.
qaBuilder.unfinish() Mark the questionnaire as incomplete and not-ready for use.
qaBuilder.status() The status of the questionnaire as a string "finished" or "unfinished".
qaBuilder.name() The name of the questionnaire as supplied when it is initialised.
qaBuilder.destroy() Deletes the underlying file for this questionnaire, and resets it to an uninitialised state.

Aggregate Types

qaBuilder.linkObj Details of links on a question or page.
qaBuilder.questionDet Details of a question already inserted into a questionnaire.
qaBuilder.questionDef A description of a question for adding to a questionnaire.

Object Properties

Name Type/Value Range/Length Description
questionFileIDnumber  Required. The file-ID of the question file, or -1 if not-yet allocated.
questionFileTxtstring  Required. The XML text of the question, or an empty string if not-yet initialised.
versionnumber  Required. The current version number of the question file.
pagesnumber  Required. The current questionnaire page count.

Whitebeam release 1.3.36
(loadtime : 10ms)