Whitebeam Sample Applications - Content Management

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Whitebeam Sample Applications - Content Management

Content Management

This example brings together elements of the other examples and adds in a basic content management framework. The framework allows documents to be uploaded and web pages to be modified online. The archive file contains a complete skeleton site with a simple look and feel.

Assuming you have Whitebeam installed - simply extract the content of the archive below into the root directory of a clean virtual server. Then use a web browser to look at the home page, initialise the database and you should be away!

Once the site is initialised - log in as user 'superuser' with password 'password' and you should be able to edit or create new pages.

Note the online GUI editing of pages is only supported with Internet Explorer 5.5 and above. With other browsers you can edit the raw HTML of a page.

Download archive here

Whitebeam release 1.3.36
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