'Collection' Template Overview

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'Collection' Template Overview


The collection template provides a mechinism for grouping, or collecting elements together. The collections are represented by arcs, or relations, that link two elements. Figure 1 shows a simple illustration of two collections.


Collections are distinguished by the following properties :

  • Represented by a set of arcs, or relations
  • Each arc relates two entities - a 'left' and a 'right' entity.
  • The entities at either end of a relation can be either a contact record, a catalogue item or a catalogue node
  • Each arc belongs to one of a number of classes of arc - named by the application
  • There can be at most one arc of a specific class linking two distinct elements
  • Data can be stored on each arc. This allows an application to record 'why' two entities are related rather than just that they are related (person X is related to book J because he is the author. Person Y is related to the same book because she is the editor)
  • Applications can traverse arcs in either direction (left->right andleft<-right)

Operations provided by the rb.collection object allow classes of arc to be created, deleted and modified. A a class, or type, must be created before arcs of that type can be created.

©YellowHawk Ltd 2006 : Whitebeam release 1.3.36
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